The power of our brand.
As real estate's most trusted brand, our name alone opens the most prestigious of doors, creating opportunities and connecting affluent sellers and buyers worldwide.

The most read and respected media in the world choose to partner with us: NYT, WSJ, Apple, Architectural Digest, Bloomberg, and more. Leveraging these partnerships and showcasing our exquisite properties, our media plan reaches 1 billion potential buyers with the same clear message: visit

We have the #1 luxury real estate site in the world, which hosts only our properties and generates 14 million visits annually. Visitors spend an average of 12 minutes viewing our properties. Your property’s web page is also displayed on 135 SOTHEBY’S INTERNATIONAL REALTY NETWORK affiliate sites around the world.

"Liz works hard and takes pride in her listings. She goes the extra mile to get a property sold. From listing to closing, Liz is there throughout the entire process and she continues to work until the closing is over."

Unique marketing initiatives

Demographix: Targeting the most likely buyer for your home using purchasing behavior, household demographics, and consumer interest information Sky Tour: Complimentary helicopter tours for our $1.5 million+ buyers.

IMAGINE, our monthly local publication,is mailed to 29,000 targeted real estate intenders and 1,500,000 copies are distributed in publications throughout Chicago, North Shore, and the Barrington Area. To reach buyers from out of town, we run full page ads in the NYT, WSJ, Bloomberg Markets, and more, placing ads in 34,000,000 copies of publications distributed throughout the U.S., Europe, and Asia.

Other companies rely on the MLS for listing syndication, which limits the number of photos and their size. Our listing syndication is powered by a proprietary system, which allows up to 50 high-resolution photos and feeds to 18 of the top real estate sites in the world, 4 of which no other real estate company could deliver. We also provide reports that show how much exposure your property receives on each site.

We are a member of a truly global, interconnected network. With over 800 Sotheby’s International Realty offices and 90 Sotheby’s Auction offices in major markets around the world, our network has closed over 14,000 referrals.

Let's talk about selling your home.

We are always available to answer questions, provide additional information, or meet with you to discuss your specific buying or selling goals. Please call or message us and tell us how we can help. We look forward to hearing from you!