Located approximately 17 miles north of downtown Chicago, the Village of Kenilworth is the newest of the eight North Shore communities fronting on Lake Michigan. The beauty of the village attracted many distinguished residents including architect and town planner George W. Maher.
Kenilworth's history dates back to 1889, when 223.6 acres of land for the village was purchased by Joseph Sears and developed as a planned community. Streets were platted to maximize the availability of sunlight in each home. Utilities were placed underground. There were large lots and paved streets, and construction standards were high.
Town planner George W. Maher, a contemporary and colleague of Frank Lloyd Wright, designed approximately 37 of the village's homes. His planning expertise and civic dedication further enriched the village with most of the parks, entry fountain, stone benches, planter urns, bridges and entry pylons that residents enjoy today.